PRESS RELEASE 24 July 2024
RE: Okanagan’s First Permanent StoryWalk® opening at Julia’s Junction in West Kelowna!
Members of the Central Okanagan Early Years Partnership (COEYP) and Partners for Literacy Committee are delighted to launch the Okanagan’s First Permanent StoryWalk® on the one-year anniversary of Julia’s Junction, Okanagan’s first accessible Playground.
Date and Time of the event: July 27th from 1-3pm.
A StoryWalk® is an interactive activity that combines reading and physical literacy and is designed to guide participants through a picture book story in sequence while outdoors. While there is an offering of temporary StoryWalks® throughout the Central Okanagan since 2020, we are pleased to be able to offer a circuit that will be available year-round. The StoryWalk® is free to enjoy – rain or shine!
The Central Okanagan Early Years Partnership knows that early child development sets the foundation for a child’s entire life. The aim is to support every child in early development to reach their full potential. They work together to build effective, and inclusive community programs for the early years.
“Project Literacy has been delighted to play a lead role in developing and launching the first permanent StoryWalk® in the Okanagan! We couldn’t have done this without the support of COEYP, the City of West Kelowna, funding from West Kelowna Rotary, and the support of Julia’s Junction’s Founder, Melissa Grassmick.”
~ Paul Zuurbier, Executive Director, Project Literacy
The community is invited to join Mayor Gord Milsom, and COEYP members: Childhood Connections, Project Literacy Central Okanagan Society, City of West Kelowna, Starbright Okanagan, and the West Kelowna Library as well as special guests at the official launch on Saturday, July 27th from 1-3pm at Julia’s Junction – 2569 May St, West Kelowna, BC V4T 2J6
The first story featured in the circuit is I Can Too! written by Karen Autio and illustrated by Lauren Watson. This story was chosen to celebrate inclusivity and diversity, as is the theme of Julia’s Junction. The stories will be changed out seasonally to keep the StoryWalk® experience fresh and new. The selected picture books feature a diverse range of stories and illustration styles that are well suited to anyone from preschool age and up.