If you choose to leave a donation to Project Literacy in your will, your support will help adults in our community achieve their full potential through learning. They in turn will pass on their acquired appreciation for lifelong learning to their children, so your legacy will benefit generations to come.
Planned gifts are more essential than ever to organizations working to enhance our collective quality of life. Individual Canadians are increasingly stepping forward to fill the gaps in funding created by today’s economic realities.
Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, 2013

- $600 covers the cost of supporting a tutor-learner match for one year.
- $1,000 covers the costs of training 12 volunteer tutors. Training sessions examine the demographics of our learner base, current practices and principles related to adult education and learning styles.
- $1,400 covers the annual cost of one of the seven study rooms in our learning centre where tutors and learners can work. These rooms are equipped with computers which are connected to the internet and a suite of on-line learning resources pertaining to English, math and computer technology.
- $5,000 covers our annual budget for print-based education resources including text books, reference books, exam preparation books and reading materials suitable for new and ESL readers, as well as lesson plans and other materials sourced and provided as required.
- $8,000 covers the annual cost of our 400 sq. ft. reference library.
Given some of the tax incentives that exist to encourage charitable giving, planned giving can benefit both you and your community, however, arrangements must be made properly. If the idea of leaving a donation to Project Literacy Central Okanagan Society in your will appeals to you, please seek professional guidance.